Modem Connection When Travelling - Travel, computer, notebook, laptop - Asiaspirit

If communication is the reason to travel with a computer then proper modem connection to a telephone line become essential. In most cases there is a solution
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Modem Connection

Modem Connection
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If communication is the reason to travel with a computer then proper modem connection to a telephone line become essential. In most cases there is a solution.

Related topic: electricity for your computer.

The modem...

build in modemmodem pc cardPC card (PCMCIA) or build-in modem? If defective it is easier to replace a PC card and when new and faster modems become available upgrade is made easy. With a build-in defective modem, the computer goes to the repair shop as well. When travelling, If communication via modem is crucial, having a second modem (different brand) can help to establish a "workable" connection.

The connector and cable

cable / slidespecial cable The mini slide in/out connector is certainly very handy and allows direct connection to standard telephone cable. The contact blades and draw mechanism are however fragile and need to be used with care. brocken plug
Modem with special socket requires a cable with a special plug. While travelling you may lose or forget this cable and it will be difficult to find a replacement. If the standard plug fragile spring blade brakes, don't throw the cable, it can easily be repaired by changing the plug at most telephone shops.

Too many plugs and adapters

AU pluguk ch adpKR plugUS plug When the right adapter is not available, use the local cable other extremity (connected to the phone) as often it is fixed to a standard plug that allows direct connection to a modem.

No line - office phone

2 to 6 wire plugoffice phone Plugs have up to six, commonly four, connected wires. With a standard phone, only the two middle wires are needed to establish a connection. Office phones (seldom in hotel rooms) need more than the two middle wires, normally four. The two additional wires are used for outside line connection, call transfer, intercom or message indicator.
A modem can't do direct dialing with a 4 wires (office telephone) cable as an outside line (dial tone) has first to be obtained from the "telephone central control box", it is done with the 3rd and 4th wires.
T adapter For a proper communication connect together the 4 wires cable, the modem and the telephone with a "T" adapter. On the phone take an outside line (with the proper push button or assigned number), when you hear the dial tone start the dialing application on the computer, than remove the cable from the handset to avoid interference as the modem and phone are simultaneously on line - if the phone is equipped with a speaker, switch it off for the same reason. When purchasing a "T" adapter, make sure that it is not "privacy protected" (only one connection possible - if two phones are connected with a privacy adapter, only one phone at a time has access to the communication). In a office without any "T" adapter, connect the modem to the fax line as it is normally always a direct line.

Warning: electricity kills !
Disclaimer: the information found below in this page may cause severe injuries or even kill if not used with proper care. If you have no competence, experience and confidence in handling live electric wires leave this page now. Asiaspirit Co. Ltd takes no responsibility - any test, experiment are at your sole risk and responsibility. Remember: electricity kills !

No line - cross wired

wire manual connect cross wired In some countries, the line wires are connected to the outside connectors instead of the two middle connectors, direct connection to a modem is not possible. Normally local telecom company expect to sell data or fax line for additional profit and will supply a proper cable or connector to the subscriber.
A temporary and easy solution is to make a cross wired cable from an extension cable cut in two pieces. From the female socket cable tie the two outside wires to the two middle wires of the male connector. To prevent short circuit insert a tooth brush (or any other plastic object) between the live wires.

Do it your self ...

do it your selfneedles work When both wall socket and telephone plug do not allow a standard connection, use the existing socket connectors to fix the adapter's cables. If the socket can not be dismantle, probably the phone can be. If nothing can be dismantle, poke needles directly into the line wires than tie the adapter's wires around the needles - it works !

Travel light ...

adapter f/ftel cable m/mtel cable f/m
Once finally connected, the computer battery run low and the wall power outlet is in the other side of the room and too far for the short power cable. Be prepared, it is lighter to have a telephone extension cable and adapters than a power extension cable !
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