Web Server - Hosting Services - Asiaspirit

A web server is a communication tool and a robot for office automation. Only a quality hosting service allows controlling the server usage and the website's performances
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Web Server - Hosting Services

Web Server - Hosting Services
Web design
•  Website design
•  Web server - Hosting services
•  Graphics - Optimization
•  e-commerce
•  Website promotion
•  Search engines
    •  Search engines list
•  Website visibility
•  Our Customers

A web server is a communication tool and a robot for office automation. Only a quality hosting service allows controlling the server usage and the website's performances.

We offer industrial standards virtual servers.

Web server - Typical configuration

  • server www, ftp, mail
    WWW access with or without "www", example:

    mail: for all electronic mail

    ftp: public or restricted access, example:
    Generally used to give access to files non-compatible with the "www" transfer protocol such as price list, instruction manual, software...

  • c-names
    The same server can respond to different domain names example:
    http://greub.ch    or    http://greub-machines.com

  • e-mail boxes: 100 or more
    A combination of ftp, telnet, e-mail accesses either to all, or exclusive to one, functions.
    e-mail box with POP3 access with password protection.

  • redirected e-mail: 1000 or more
    Ideal for multi addresses and mail distribution from functions addresses to the persons in charge.

    sales@xyz.com, info@xyz.com, order@xyz.com can be redirected to name-1@xyz.com and name-8@xyz.com

  • e-mail auto-answering: 1000 or more
    when a message is sent to a "auto-answering" address an auto-answer is returned to the sender. Ideal for office automation to send price list, quotations...

  • Visit Statistics
    Statistics are very important. Proper knowledge of a site success allows targeted development, correction and maintenance. It helps also to control an organization's internet investment.

  • shopping cart
    CGI/PHP/ASP applications to manage a virtual shop. The shop layout and configuration are fully customizable.

  • webmail
    Allows access to mailboxes via a browser without application's configuration . Very useful when travelling or when a single computer is shared by few users.

  • mailing list: 10 or more
    A list of subscribers is attached to a password protected e-mail address controlled by the owner. When the owner sends a message to this address the message is individually sent to the list of subscribers. List's maintenance (add or remove addresses) is either fully controlled by the list owner and/or by visitors when auto subscribe/unsubscribe is integrated in a web page.

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